FRENCH BAMA Bible Institute DVD


Bible Institute Program in FRENCH

Here it is, there is nothing like it! Used by hundreds of Missionaries and National Pastors in over 63 countries.(Lang. French) (also available in English)

A complete 3 year Bible Institute Curriculum with how-to information. The Works! This is what it will look like after you print it out and insert it in six 2½ inch binders.

SKU: 1004 Category:


Bible Institute Program

Here it is, there is nothing like it! Used by hundreds of Missionaries and National Pastors in over 63 countries.(English / Tagalog / French)

Dr. Felicidad and Rhodora Felicilda, missionaries to Congo received our BAMA Bible Institute DVD before going to the Congo. They used our three year curriculum and taught themselves and completed the courses. Dr. Felicilda had the curriculum translated into French by a team of translators that he had led to the Lord. They have planted many churches and Bible Institutes with their graduates.

A complete 3 year Bible Institute Curriculum with how-to information. The Works! This is what it will look like after you print it out and insert it in six 2½ inch binders.

Also includes:

Sermons & Teaching Materials, etc. Directory

This directory is not used in the BI Program. It is loaded with files that will assist you from now on in your ministry. Just read some of the testimonies of our users.

Following is only a token of what is in this directory:

  • Cult lessons plus information about Islam
  • Faith Promise Missions Material
  • “How To Get More Money From God” Material* (sample)
  • Family – Many helpful messages and series.
  • Maps – Bible maps in 3D
  • Proverbs – This is great material!
  • Dr. Tom Wallace Collection – over 5,400 sermons and outlines. (below)
  • Samples of good teaching manuals you should consider getting.
  • Sermons that preach and great Sunday School material.
  • Dr. FW Dixon – 674 Complete Sermon Outlines (below)
  • Soul Winning and Church Planting
  • Modern Day Tongues Movement
  • Youth

Additional information


US Edition, Non-US Countries