“The first impulse in every healthy mind, upon hearing a good thing, is to pass it on to others.” – Robert Glover

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Lessons, articles & downloadables

You will find many articles and teaching materials listed on the following links that will give help in your Bible study, in your ministry, in supporting missionaries or even in your own spiritual life.

How to get to Heaven from where you are?

I’m sure you know where you have been and Hopefully you know where you are now but Do you knowread more

Kingdom of the Cults

“Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God.” Matthew 22:29read more

What about those old Missionaries

What about those old missionaries that have returned from their field, after giving their all for so many years? Let’sread more

Our return from the mission field

The subject “What about those old Missionaries” who served as lifetime missionaries? Perhaps they had to return to the Statesread more

Do’s & Don’ts for Missionaries and Pastors

MISSIONARIES Never count on new support until you see it on your statement. Keep your supporters informed on what youread more

Deputation for New Missionaries

Being an independent Baptist missionary, we had to raise our own support before going to the field. I got onread more

Gifts, Tongues & The Charismatic Movement

George Gardiner Testimony I was saved on April of 1984, and as a young Christian I struggled with understanding someread more

What the Bible says about speaking in tounges

Dear Reader, Click here for the AUDIO of the following lesson by McGee, J. Vernon: Thru the Bible Commentary: Theread more

Jesus by Dr. James Crumpton

a sermon by Dr. James W. Crumpton A good suggestion: Here’s a printable copy so you can listen and followread more

Creation Seminar

Creation Science Evangelism presents a creation seminar from a scientific perspective. This is a 7-part creation seminar in YouTube thatread more


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