Baptist Distinctives DVD


Teaching the Baptist Distinctives Series will cover a wide area of topics that will help you and your class to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

I taught this series to the members of the Prime Timers Sunday School Class in our church. There was a lot of group participation and our attendance grew during this series.



Teaching the Baptist Distinctives Series will cover a wide area of topics that will help you and your class to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

I taught this series to the members of the Prime Timers Sunday School Class in our church. There was a lot of group participation and our attendance grew during this series.

I videoed each class and gave each student a handout study guide so they could follow me and study it more when they returned home. I mailed the video on DVD and the study guide to those who did not attend for various reasons. There are many who cannot attend because of their age. There were some that did not have a DVD player so I purchased one for them for around $20. I even bought small TVs for some but the investment was worth it. We cannot out give God.

This material can be used in small groups and in Sunday School. As you watch the videos you will notice that my teaching is not profound but I try to put all the cookies on the bottom shelf so everybody can understand what I am teaching.

You can teach this series using only the study guide in the Sunday evening and Wednesday night services. There have been times when I would teach any series straight through without any breaks, meaning: the Sunday morning service, Sunday evening service and Wednesday evening service. You would be surprised how the growth of the Sunday evening and Wednesday evening services will increase in attendance.

May God bless you as you impart the Word of God to others. 2 Tim. 2:2

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