Let me ask you a question, “How interested are you in having a “top notch” relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ?” The choice is yours. I cannot make that choice for you. There are no short cuts.
You can choose to do what you want in this life but you cannot choose the consequences.
As you read the Bible (KJV) you will learn that God will bless your life if you seek and obey His will. Not to do this will rob you and others of His blessings.
Of course it is very important that you connect yourself with a good Bible Preaching church that is faithful to the Word of God and attend it faithfully. A Church that has a great missions program reaching people here and abroad with the gospel of Jesus Christ. I would suggest you attend all the services for 3 or 4 weeks before you become a member. Ask questions. Look at their statement of faith. Here is a Biblical statement of faith. Find out what they believe and practice.
My wife and I faithfully attend this church where the Word of God is taught and preached on Sunday morning & evening as well as Wednesday evening. It is not a perfect church because 3 or 4 hundred attend there but we do present a perfect Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ. If you are in the Birmingham, Alabama area please come and visit. We have ministries from Nursery age up through the Seniors. We have a Spanish church, a bus ministry, and a great youth program. Our music will bless your heart.
I have posted many good audio and videos at www.bama4u.org/heaven2.htm and at www.bama4u.org just to help people like you and your family. One helpful message is “Nailing the Windows of Heaven Shut.”
My philosophy in life has been “The first impulse in every healthy mind, upon hearing a good thing, is to pass it on to others.” This is what I have tried to do with this web page, pass on a “good thing” to you.
Friend, if I can assist you in this matter of having a good relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, please write me at bama4u@bellsouth.net.
May God bless you as you seek Him,