Downloadable Resources

Here are free downloadable resources that you can use for teaching and for your own spiritual growth.

Treasures from Proverbs

Thousands of copies of Pearls From Proverbs are in circulation and I want you to have it now.

How to get more money from God

How to get more money from God has helped hundreds of churches around the world to become self-supporting whereby they could build larger buildings as well as give to missions around the world.

The Faith Series

Dear Pastors and Missionaries,

I would suggest you teach the “How to get more money from God” series in Sunday School and preach this series, “The Faith Series” in Hebrews 11, in the morning worship service.

As you and your people increase in faith the more you/they will trust God in the matter of giving. The two go together.

May God bless you as you teach your people how to trust God and to obey Him in their giving.

Someone said, “If you want to keep your people poor, don’t teach them how to give.”

This material really works well. All our churches in the Philippines, planted by our graduates, are self-supporting.

May God bless you.

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