I believe the only way you and I can reach those people at Walmart, CVS, Publix, Doctor’s office or any other places we go is by giving them a Gospel tract or a soul-winning DVD like ours.
That Gospel tract or DVD will probably be the only contact that person will ever have with the Gospel. I am nearing 80 and only one person in those 80 years approached me with the Gospel. I have lived in our house for 18 years and not one person has knocked on our door from any church in those 18 years, and we live in the Bible Belt.
Where are the ambassadors, the reconcilers? 2 Cor. 5:18-19 tells us we have been given the ministry of reconciliation. 2 Cor. 5:20 says we are ambassadors for Christ.
The greatest business in all the world is sharing the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ to a lost, hell bound world. That world is around us wherever we go. That is our mission field. Someone said, “Every heart without Christ is a mission field, and every heart with Christ is (or should be) a missionary.” So much for the preaching.
Here is what I have that will assist you in being an effective ambassadors for Christ and putting you into the ministry of reconciliation.
The Story of Jesus for Children is a great eye catcher to every parent. In the menu you can select either English or Spanish. Every child in your Sunday School and church should be given this DVD.
How Does Your Future Look? has 5 English, 2 Spanish and 2 Sign Language Videos. All videos are made to win people to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
This Might Be Your Future has 2 English, 1 Spanish and 1 Sign Language Videos. The two English Videos deal with the Great White Throng Judgment Seat of God and Hell Is For Real. These two videos have motivated me for many years to share my faith.
Ideas – How I Give Out DVDS is a how-to-do-it example lesson. I simply share with you some ideas that will help you get going with sharing the DVDS.
Now that you have viewed some or all of the above, let me tell you what you can do next: Click here.