What Dr. Lee Robertson said?

After pastoring two churches in the Birmingham, AL area the Lord led me to attend Tennessee Temple in Chattanooga, TN.

My complete family were enrolled from kindergarten on up in the early 70s when TTS was in its heydays under the leadership of Dr. Lee Roberson.

My first two years at TTS I worked for the visitation department, 30 hours a week after classes, winning souls and doing follow up work. What an experience that was!

One day Dr. Roberson and I were walking together on campus talking about the ministry of TTS. Out of the blue Dr. Roberson said, “Tennessee Temple should have never become as large as it is.”

Needless to say, I was shocked at what he said and I asked him to repeat that again. I thought to myself, I never thought I would ever hear a statement like that coming from such a leader as he was. At that time Highland Park Baptist Church and TTS were the largest in numbers or close to it in the country.

I asked Dr. Roberson what he meant by that and he said, “If every pastor would do what he is suppose to do every church would have its own school and we would only have a small school taking care of our own people.”

His statements motivated me to plant our first Bible Institute within the LaLoma Baptist Church that I planted in 1980 in Manila, Philippines. Our first BI began in 1982. Since that beginning our graduates have planted over 60 churches and over 40 Bible Institutes training nationals to plant churches there and on mission fields around the world.

We have also made available our BI curriculum on DVD for National Pastors and missionaries to use. You will find more information by clicking on START HERE

I praise God for letting me sit under the leadership of Dr. Lee Roberson.


The BAMA Bible Institute three (3) year curriculum

Dear Missionary

A letter from Pastor Brown to fellow pastors and missionaries

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