BAMA Bible Institute Plus DVD

Contents of our DVD:

1. Bible Institute Program

Here it is, there is nothing like it! Used by hundreds of Missionaries and National Pastors in over 63 countries.(English / Tagalog / French)

A complete 3 year Bible Institute Curriculum with how-to information. The Works! This is what it will look like after you print it out and insert it in six 2½ inch binders.

2. Sermons & Teaching Materials, etc. Directory

This directory is not used in the BI Program. It is loaded with files that will assist you from now on in your ministry. Just read some of the testimonies of our users.

Following is only a token of what is in this directory:

  • Cult lessons plus information about Islam
  • Faith Promise Missions Material
  • “How To Get More Money From God” Material* (sample)
  • Family – Many helpful messages and series.
  • Maps – Bible maps in 3D
  • Proverbs – This is great material!
  • Dr. Tom Wallace Collection – over 5,400 sermons and outlines. (below)
  • Samples of good teaching manuals you should consider getting.
  • Sermons that preach and great Sunday School material.
  • Dr. FW Dixon – 674 Complete Sermon Outlines (below)
  • Soul Winning and Church Planting
  • Modern Day Tongues Movement
  • Youth

*Great stuff! This is the material I taught our people years ago in the early 80’s Philippines and in every new church our national pastors planted. The people learned how to tithe and give to missions. All our works are self-supporting and nationalized today.

Dr. Tom Wallace, Pastor, Evangelist, Author

Dr. Wallace has given us permission to include his work of more than 5,400 sermons, outlines, some even in the Power Point format, etc. from his recent CD. His outlines are included on our CD or DVD. What a treasure of material that every missionary evangelist, pastor can use. You shouldn’t be without this.

Francis Dixon Outlines – 674 Complete Sermon Outlines

What a treasure of sermon material! These outlines have been used successfully by millions of pastors around the world for many years. Take a look at some of them. You will be amazed at all the items that are included in the this directory. A wealth of material!

3. 104 Bible Lesson with hundreds of beautiful colorful flashcards.

Mrs. Diane Pope Chamberland created this material while working in the Philippines as a missionary. These Bible stories come with the lessons and flashcards and can be used in Sunday Schools, Backyard Bible Clubs, home Bible studies or wherever. The lessons are interesting and easy to teach and understood by any age group. All lessons are in English and Tagalog. See some samples This material can be used in or out of the U.S.A. Another “must have”. You can place your order now.

4. Plus two more directories.


The BAMA Bible Institute three (3) year curriculum

Dear Missionary

A letter from Pastor Brown to fellow pastors and missionaries

English Bible Institude

A complete 3 year Bible Institute Curriculum with how-to info. Used by hundreds of missionaries & pastors


FRENCH Bible Institude

A complete 3 year Bible Institute Curriculum with how-to information in French Language
