Mary Glynn Peeples

Mary Glynn has a bachelors degree in education. She and her husband, Dr. Sam Peeples lived in Manila, Philippines for three years. Working with Campus Crusade for Christ, they developed a Leadership Training Center for Asian Christian. From the Philippines, the Peeples moved to Washington, D.C. There Sam directed the Christian Embassy and Mary Glynn conducted Bible studies. In 1977, the Peeples moved to Birmingham, Alabama and began to develop a series of seminars on stress management and living above your circumstances.

HOPE is a twelve-week Bible study, divided into three parts. Part I: Man’s Problems, Part II: God’s Provisions, Part III: The Solution. As you view this video, it is my desire that you learn the verses in the study, think about them and make them yours. This will happen when you apply them to your daily life. The Bible instructs us to renew our minds, look for commands to obey and promises to claim.

Each week, comes together with your study group, your family or by yourself to watch these 20 minute segments. You can purchase the workbook (below is the address) that goes with this video. It contains the verses and questions for you to answer. These questions will help you understand and apply the truths you will uncover. Mary Glynn’s message is one of peace and hope. Much of her lecture is derived from personal experience and daily commitment to God’s Word. She offers and immensely practical guide for life. Mary Glynn does personal counseling and conducts weekly Bible studies. She speaks for conferences, women’s meetings and corporate conventions. (Mrs. Peeples gave Mel Brown permission to copy her DVDs, CDs and Books, July 2015)


HOPE, video series: Disc 1 & Disc 2

Studies in the Book of Daniel, audio series:

Week 1 Week 4

Week 2 Week 5

Week 3 Week 6

Book “All We Like Sheep” (Get a “free text to speech reader” Click here)


Other books are available at:

The Sheep Shoppe

3820 Jackson Blvd.
Birmingham, AL 35213


Bob Jones University Bible Conference 2015. Each year the Word of God would strengthen our hearts and change us to be more like Him.



Please let me explain what this farewell is all about. Part of my ministry is to relieve Missionary Pastors so they can return to the States for a short furlough to take care of medical needs, family concerns, etc., etc..

I relieved BIMI Chris Hurst for five months the last half of 2018 so he and his family could return to the States. I became the Pastor of MetroView Baptist Church in Antipolo, Rizal, East of Manila while they were away.

Of course, in that length of time the members become attached to you and appreciate your ministering to their spiritual needs. There are some cases where I was able to win their family to the Lord, etc.

This farewell video is their expression of their love and appreciation to me. Thank you for your faithful prayers and financial support. You are a partner with me in this ministry, and you are a blessing to me as I reach the lost for Christ.


In His service until He comes,


Mel Brown


This sermon has been used of God more than any other sermon I have ever preached.

I have been in full time ministry since 1966. The Lord gave me this message back in 1979 while I was the pastor of Grace Baptist Church in Pensacola, FL. At that time I was on deputation (raising my support) to go to the Philippines to win souls and plant churches.

In most cases, I have preached this message, “NAILING THE WINDOWS OF HEAVEN SHUT”, at the beginning of every Missionary Conference, Revivals and Bible Conferences I have been invited to. This sermon would set the stage for the messages that would follow.

The video of this sermon was taken on April 15, 2018 at Mt. Calvary Baptist Church in Gen San, Mindanao, Philippines. I was not aware that it was taken and the person put it on Face Book. Of course the quality of this 1:20 minute video is not what I would like it to be and is hard to listen to and I am sorry about that but this is the best I could do.

There were around 800 adults attending that service and most all of them responded to the altar invitation which I give all the glory to God. I was in the Philippines, India, Thailand, Bali, and East Timor visiting some of the graduates of our Bible Institutes, in February, March and April of 2018. In most of those churches I preached this sermon with overwhelming results. Now I want to share it with you.

Thank you for taking your time to view this video. As I said, it is hard to understand but if you try real hard you will understand it. Mel Brown

  1. PDF lesson 8 1/2 X 11 inch folder
  2. Power Point

Things I pray for in a Spouse for You regarding a (Husband)

(Written And Used By Steve Simpson)

  1. Man of God, mature in the Lord, and loves God more than you
  2. Desires to grow and mature in the Lord, serve Him with his life
  3. Desires to be and is a spiritual leader, both in his home and in the church
  4. Loves you unconditionally, and willing to sacrifice himself for you
  5. Encourages you to be yourself, respects your independence, yet earns your submissiveness.
  6. Respects your point of view and listens to you.
  7. Encourages you to grow, both spiritually and emotionally
  8. Protects and nurtures you, doesn’t put you down, embarrass, disrespect you, or is provoked to jealousy (secure in himself)
  9. Never lies, deceives, or bears false witness. Trustworthy.
  10. Has ambition in a positive, God pleasing direction
  11. Loves children, desires to have them, and desires to raise them up in the Lord
  12. Loves and respects his parents, solid upbringing
  13. Someone you enjoy having around your friends, and is your best friend. Chemistry between you. 14.Respects your parents and desires to have a strong family relationship.
  14. Fits well within the entire family, and likes to participate with the family
  15. Hard worker, good work ethic, good provider, honorable vocation
  16. Good personality, fun to be with, easy to talk with.
  17. Healthy and well kept
Bonuses (but not show stoppers if not there):
  1. College educated, desires career
  2. Enjoys doing things we enjoy and will join with us.
  3. Parents are believers too
  4. Parents are people that you love to be with
  5. Parents are people that we enjoy being around


Psalm 107:2 (KJV)
2 Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, whom he hath redeemed from the hand of the enemy;



Psalm 107:2 (KJV)
2 Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, whom he hath redeemed from the hand of the enemy;

Visit Dr. John Ankerberg’s series on God’s Help When You Suffer on their website

There’s a whole list of videos on their playlist archive, but I would suggest to go through the videos on this order.

***You may need to create an account to watch the video archive.

Program #1 – The Big Bad News

Notes (quoted directly from LightSource.Com): Most of us will face three stages of suffering in life—diagnosis, duration, and death. In this session with guests Joni Eareckson Tada and Dr. Michael Easley, we learn biblical and practical principles for how to faithfully respond when we first learn tragic news regarding our health, life’s problems, or the life of a loved one.

Program #2 – The Duration

Notes (quoted directly from LightSource.Com): After the initial shock of a diagnosis or bad news in our lives, there is the ongoing realization of its impact. In this session, called “The Duration,” Dr. Michael Easley and Joni Eareckson Tada share some of the ways they have dealt with the tedious and often-painful experiences associated with the daily grind of chronic pain and disability.

Program #3 – Approaching the End

Notes (quoted directly from LightSource.Com): In this program, we take a look at the inevitable end of suffering that follows the diagnosis and duration—the reality of death. We will also face it, yet we are often afraid to discuss the issue or prepare to end well. Joni Eareckson Tada and Dr. Michael Easley address the reality of facing death from both Scripture and their own personal experiences.

Program #4 – What about the Care-Giver?

Notes (quoted directly from LightSource.Com): One of the greatest challenges of serving as a caregiver is endurance. The lack of sleep, ongoing needs, and tedious aspects of daily life can often be endured for a season but take their toll over time. In this session, we’ll hear as the Tadas and Easleys share the highs and lows of caregiving and the ways God has used their experiences to change lives.


Psalm 107:2 (KJV)
2 Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, whom he hath redeemed from the hand of the enemy;