Help for your Missions Program
Can I give you some good ideas on how to support missionaries, whether they be home missionaries or those who go abroad. Short term or lifetime missionaries. How about National missionaries or National Pastors. As you can see this subject is very broad and complex.
Perhaps I can give you some helpful solutions, ideas and suggestions about missions as a whole. I am certainly no expert on this subject neither do I have all the answers but I have had a lot of experience both as a pastor here in the U.S.A. and as a long term missionary abroad.
You will fine many articles and teaching materials listed on the following links that will give you the proper way regarding the support of missionaries. There will be some information on the do’s and don’ts about missions giving and supporting missionaries.
Friend, I will try my best to share with you the experiences I have encounter in my life as a pastor and a missionary since 1966. Take some time and investigate for yourself the best way to support missions as a whole.