George Gardiner Testimony
I was saved on April of 1984, and as a young Christian I struggled with understanding some of the Spiritual Gifts. I read what the Bible said time and time again about the gifts, but made very little progress in understand the gift of healing, miracles, and tongues. The one gift that bothered me the most was the gift of tongues. I read many different views on the subject and was still not satisfied with what I read. In our home church I was telling another brother about my problem with understanding this gift. He said to me, “I have a tape home that will help you understand this subject.” I went to his house and he gave the tape. The tape was a message by Rev. George Gardiner called “The truth about speaking in tongues.” I listened to the tape over and over again then all of a sudden on came the LIGHT. I finally understood the gift of tongues. The debate on whether tongues are for today has been going on for many years and probably will continue for many more. As you listen, you’ll hear George Gardiner tells his story of how he was involved in the Tongue Movement and how God set him free. Rev. Harvey Martell
If you’re really serious and want to understand this subject than make sure that you DOWNLOAD the two following two files by Rev. Gardiner
My Prayer is that you’ll be set free as was Brother George.
The Truth About Tounges
PLEASE NOTE – Rev. Gardiner’s message was copied from a 90 Minute tape that’s why it in Part #1 and Part #2. When you download the two files I’m quite sure that one CD will hold them.
Please Note – The author of this article is UNKNOWN.
We believe with all sincerity that if the Holy Spirit wills to give to any born again believer the ability to speak in a language, which that individual neither knows nor understands, that He can do so. It remains the sovereign right of the Holy Spirit to bestow that ability.
During the past decade, a growing movement has been sweeping across denominational lines with new emphasis upon the Pentecostal gifts of tongues, healing, and miracles. The theme of these leaders is that you must be able to speak in an unknown tongue. Otherwise you have no evidence of being indwelt by the Holy Spirit. Some have called this experience a “second work of grace,” a term that is not to be found in the Word of God.
Several times the writer has watched these services and that which took place at the invitation of the leader of the meeting. It seemed that the things which were done were so alien to the way the Holy Spirit works that we could only say, “How could this be from God? Was it real? Did the scenes we witnessed actually take place?” Yes, they certainly did take place.
Now we come to a very important question, “Can Pentecost be duplicated today? May we expect what took place on that day of Pentecost to be experienced of believers in this century?” The answer to these questions must be found in the Word of God. It is final in all matters of faith, doctrine and practice.
Spiritual gifts are mentioned in Romans 12 and I Corinthians 12. It is quite significant that in the Roman’s list, the SIGN GIFTS are not mentioned at all. After listing the gifts and then summarizing them in I Corinthians 12:28, the writer sets forth a number of questions each of which MUST be answered by a NO! The leaders of this modern movement teach and insist that EVERY believer must be able to speak in an unknown tongue. Otherwise, he does not possess the Holy Spirit and some would say has never been born again.
We shall use the question and answer method in the development of this paper.
Following Peter’s sermon on the day of Pentecost, 3000 were saved and added to the church. How many of those spoke with unknown tongues?ANSWER –
a) The surprising thing is that the Scriptures do not show that any of them did. You may search Acts 2:38 – 47, and there is no reference that any spoke a tongue different from his own native speech. They did receive the gift of the Holy Spirit who comes and takes up His dwelling in each born again believer (I Cor. 6:19-20; 12:13). Note carefully what Luke records as having taken place. He said, “. . .they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, and in the breaking of bread, and in prayer.” What is omitted in this record is significant!
b) Another surprise is in store for the careful student as he searches the Book of Acts for further evidence of speaking in tongues only twice more it will be found. It was displayed in the home of Cornelius and later in Acts 19 when the disciples of John were saved by faith in Christ as their Saviour. During the missionary journeys of Paul, Luke NEVER records that this gift was manifested in any church established during those journeys.
c) At Pentecost those who spoke in other tongues (languages) WERE ONLY THOSE WHO WERE IN THE UPPER ROOM. Though the tongues was unknown to the speaker, those who heard did understand for it is recorded that they said, “. . . . how hear we every man in our own tongue (language) , wherein we were born?” (Acts 2:8). Peter did not preach in an unknown tongue for he opened his sermon with, “Ye men of Israel, hear these words . . . ” And following his conclusion it is recorded, “Now when they heard this (Peter’s charge) they were pricked in their hearts . . . . (Acts 2:37).
Does the Bible teach that every believer ought to be or must be able to speak in an unknown tongue?
No, it does not teach this. The fact is clearly established when Paul asks that very question in
I Corinthians 12:29-30
Here is the order of the questions he asked:
“Are all apostles?” —The answer must be NO.
“Are all prophets?” —The answer is NO.
“Are all teachers?” —The answer still is NO.
“Are all workers of miracles?” —Again, the answer is No.
“Have all the gift of healing?” —The answer must again be NO
“Do all speak with tongues?” —Once again, the answer in NO.
So by these very questions, the apostle established the fact that not all of them spoke in a tongue. Nor were they expected to or taught that they should so speak.
If Paul did not teach that all believers should speak in an unknown tongue, how did he evaluate this particular gift? How important was it?
Here we need not speculate, for Paul gave a clear cut answer to this question. He said, “. . . . in the church I rather SPEAK FIVE WORDS with my understanding, that by my voice I might teach others also, than ten thousand words in an unknown tongue.” (I Cor. 14:19). Now, that figures out a ratio 2000 to 1– one word that would be clearly understood by everyone than 2000 words that no one understood. Paul wrote that by INSPIRATION of the Holy Spirit.
Frequently we hear or read these expressions from the leaders of this movement: “baptized with the Spirit,” “baptized in the Spirit,” “slain of the Spirit” and “new winds of the Spirit are blowing.” Then the leaders urge individuals to “pray through” until baptized in the Spirit. Are they Biblical terms?
These expressions are repeated so often and with great fervor by their exponents, so much so that they come to believe them to be entirely Biblical which they are not. Search the Scriptures thoroughly as to what followed the day of Pentecost. None of these expressions will be found in Acts or the epistles! Why then are they used? It may be because they have a Scriptural and Biblical term.
May one be truly saved without being indwelt by the Holy Spirit?
a) The charismatic leaders of today do teach that it is possible. This is their reason for teaching that another work of the Spirit is necessary following salvation.
b) To be saved is the work of the Holy Spirit through the Word of God (1 Peter 1:23; John 3:6). The immediate results of the new birth is the sealing of the Holy Spirit into Christ by the Spirit’s baptism (I Cor. 12:13; Eph. 1:12-13); and in that same operation by the Spirit, He takes up His abode in the believer’s body (I Cor. 3:16; 6:19-20; Rom.. 8:9;). If one has been truly born again of the Spirit and the Word, then he “IS” indwelt by the Spirit. A person receives the Holy Spirit the moment he believes (trusts, receives ) Jesus Christ as his personal Saviour (John 1:12; 7:39).
What is the exact Biblical term or expression used of the Spirit’s baptism?
There is but one place where this term is used in the New Testament AFTER the day of Pentecost. It is NOT what was said before Pentecost, but what was said and written after that momentous day. Paul in dealing with the matter of the gifts of the Spirit, used this expression in I Cor. 12:13. Here is exactly as it is found in the King James edition of the Bible. “For By one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been made to drink into one Spirit.” (I Corinthians 12:13).
The important word in this verse is “BY.” This makes it very clear that it is entirely the work of the Holy Spirit apart from the earnestness and sincerity of the person. Since no person or denomination could place one in the body of Christ, it follows that this baptism is the sovereign prerogative of the Holy Spirit, who performs it at the time of the New birth. It is a truth that must be received by faith in the word of God.
Should one seek for the ability to speak in an unknown tongue?
NO! We give this answer on the authority of the Scriptures. To teach otherwise is to deliberately override the WILL and SOVEREIGNTY of the Holy Spirit. The Scriptures that sets forth this truth is I Corinthians 12:11. To tamper with this clear revelation of the Spirit is to deny what is taught by this verse. Here Paul wrote: “But all these (gifts) worketh the one and selfsame Spirit, DIVIDING TO EVERY MAN SEVERALLY AS HE WILL. (I Cor. 12:11).
To demand or to instruct others to demand that the Holy Spirit give this gift is an intrusion into the office and authority of the Holy Spirit. This places the finite creature on the throne and makes the Holy Spirit a servant to obey the creature.
What are some of the evidences shown in Scripture which testify to having been born again or that assures of the Spirit’s indwelling?
Paul in Hebrews 6:9b speaks of the “things which accompany salvation.” That is, the things which will show up in one’s life after being saved. The list goes as follows:
a) There will be “new life” – (2 Cor. 5:17).
b) There will be “joy” in the Lord – (Eph. 5:18).
c) There will be a “desire” and “love” for the Word of God – ( 1 Pet. 2:2; 2 Tim. 2:15).
d) There will be “peace” with God because one knows that all sin is under the blood and forgiven (Rom. 5:1)
Even though we may sin, we have an everlasting advocate who intercedes for us who has never lost a case (Heb. 7:25; John 2:1-2; Isa. 1:18; Psalm 103:10-12). Then, of course, the fruit of the Spirit will develop (Gal. 5:22-23) and be seen by others. These are but a few of the evidences of the birth from above.
Does the Bible indicate or teach that there will be another outpouring of the Holy Spirit before Christ returns the second time?
a) Yes! the Bible does teach that there will be another mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit. It will be primarily upon God’s covenant people, Israel, and appears to occur during the 70th week of Daniel. This prophecy is found in Joel 2:27- 30.
b) During those awful years, God will again reveal Himself and His message to the godly remnant who will, following this outpouring of the Spirit, become the great evangelists for God, preaching the soon coming of the Kingdom of God (Isa. 32: 15 – 17). Peter quoted this Scripture on the day of Pentecost, but the signs indicated by Joel were not in evidence on the day of Pentecost so this outpouring is still future.
What dangers are inherent in this modern day movement?
Several very real dangers are bound up in this charismatic movement:
a) The first thing it does, is leaves the individual exposed to other spirits, spirits that are alien to God and who are capable of deception, that could deceive those Jesus called “the elect” (Matt 24:24). Paul also makes it clear that Satan masquerades as an angel of light (2 Cor. 11:1). He also reminded young Timothy that in the “latter times” (the end of the age) “seducing spirits” would roam the earth. These are evil and wicked spirits under Satanic control, capable of deception by the imitation of what God has done.
b) The second thing is that the movement gives strong claims to new revelation from God, other than that which is to found in the written Word. This opened the door to Satan to set forth his doctrine so shrewdly worded that deception is easy, especially so, when the leaders of the movement give great credence to this new revelation.
c) Let me illustrate just what I mean. In Acts 16:16-18 we have just such a case. Here was a young girl, following the great missionary, proclaiming that “these men are the servants of the most high God, which show unto us the way of salvation.” The girl was seemingly doing Paul a service with her free publicity. Yet he recognized that this girl was possessed with a demon and, therefore, the whole incident was demonic. Hence, he demanded that the evil spirit leave the girl, and the demon had to obey God’s servant.
d) Jesus warned against such leaders by saying, “Many will say to me in that day, “Lord, Lord have we not prophesied n thy name : and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And I will profess to them. I never knew you; depart from me, ye that work iniquity. ” (Matt. 7:22-23).
e) In light of this GREAT DANGER from Satanic deception and imitation of what the Lord did and can do, every child of God needs to obey the Word as given by John when he wrote: “Beloved, believe not every spirit, but TRY (test, prove) the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world (1 John 4:1).
f) John also speaks of the “spirit of truth and the spirit of error.” Every doctrine , every teaching of men must stand up to the search light of God’s Word. Doctrines that are taught of men, even though they do not contradict Scripture, are to be rejected, for they can and do lead to great error. We must never substitute the judgment of a finite and limited human being’s word or opinion above or in place of the WORD OF GOD.
The author of this article is unknown.