Dear Pastors and Missionaries,

I would suggest you teach the “How to get more money from God” series in Sunday School and preach this series, “The Faith Series” in Hebrews 11, in the morning worship service.

As you and your people increase in faith the more you/they will trust God in the matter of giving. The two go together.

May God bless you as you teach your people how to trust God and to obey Him in their giving.

Someone said, “If you want to keep your people poor, don’t teach them how to give.”

This material really works well. All our churches in the Philippines, planted by our graduates, are self-supporting.

May God bless you.

The Teacher’s Lessons
  1. The exercise of faith – Abel
  2. The fellowship of faith – Enoch
  3. The work of faith – Noah
  4. The obedience of faith – Abraham
  5. The trial of faith – Abraham
  6. The vision of faith – Isaac
  7. The worship of faith – Jacob
  8. The persistence of faith – Joseph
  9. The decision of faith – Moses
  10. The victory of faith – The Red Sea
Class Hand-Out Folders

Hand these out to each person before you teach your lesson

It is very important that you print out each lesson and have copies made for all your students. They are a good visual aid and the student can read it again and again when they return home.

  1. The exercise of faith – Abel
  2. The fellowship of faith – Enoch
  3. The work of faith – Noah
  4. The obedience of faith – Abraham
  5. The trial of faith – Abraham
  6. The vision of faith – Isaac
  7. The worship of faith – Jacob
  8. The persistence of faith – Joseph
  9. The decision of faith – Moses
  10. The victory of faith – The Red Sea