Things I pray for in a Spouse for You regarding a (Husband)

(Written And Used By Steve Simpson)

  1. Man of God, mature in the Lord, and loves God more than you
  2. Desires to grow and mature in the Lord, serve Him with his life
  3. Desires to be and is a spiritual leader, both in his home and in the church
  4. Loves you unconditionally, and willing to sacrifice himself for you
  5. Encourages you to be yourself, respects your independence, yet earns your submissiveness.
  6. Respects your point of view and listens to you.
  7. Encourages you to grow, both spiritually and emotionally
  8. Protects and nurtures you, doesn’t put you down, embarrass, disrespect you, or is provoked to jealousy (secure in himself)
  9. Never lies, deceives, or bears false witness. Trustworthy.
  10. Has ambition in a positive, God pleasing direction
  11. Loves children, desires to have them, and desires to raise them up in the Lord
  12. Loves and respects his parents, solid upbringing
  13. Someone you enjoy having around your friends, and is your best friend. Chemistry between you. 14.Respects your parents and desires to have a strong family relationship.
  14. Fits well within the entire family, and likes to participate with the family
  15. Hard worker, good work ethic, good provider, honorable vocation
  16. Good personality, fun to be with, easy to talk with.
  17. Healthy and well kept
Bonuses (but not show stoppers if not there):
  1. College educated, desires career
  2. Enjoys doing things we enjoy and will join with us.
  3. Parents are believers too
  4. Parents are people that you love to be with
  5. Parents are people that we enjoy being around