Things I pray for in a Spouse for You regarding a (Husband)

(Written And Used By Steve Simpson)

  1. Man of God, mature in the Lord, and loves God more than you
  2. Desires to grow and mature in the Lord, serve Him with his life
  3. Desires to be and is a spiritual leader, both in his home and in the church
  4. Loves you unconditionally, and willing to sacrifice himself for you
  5. Encourages you to be yourself, respects your independence, yet earns your submissiveness.
  6. Respects your point of view and listens to you.
  7. Encourages you to grow, both spiritually and emotionally
  8. Protects and nurtures you, doesn’t put you down, embarrass, disrespect you, or is provoked to jealousy (secure in himself)
  9. Never lies, deceives, or bears false witness. Trustworthy.
  10. Has ambition in a positive, God pleasing direction
  11. Loves children, desires to have them, and desires to raise them up in the Lord
  12. Loves and respects his parents, solid upbringing
  13. Someone you enjoy having around your friends, and is your best friend. Chemistry between you. 14.Respects your parents and desires to have a strong family relationship.
  14. Fits well within the entire family, and likes to participate with the family
  15. Hard worker, good work ethic, good provider, honorable vocation
  16. Good personality, fun to be with, easy to talk with.
  17. Healthy and well kept
Bonuses (but not show stoppers if not there):
  1. College educated, desires career
  2. Enjoys doing things we enjoy and will join with us.
  3. Parents are believers too
  4. Parents are people that you love to be with
  5. Parents are people that we enjoy being around


Psalm 107:2 (KJV)
2 Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, whom he hath redeemed from the hand of the enemy;



Psalm 107:2 (KJV)
2 Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, whom he hath redeemed from the hand of the enemy;

Visit Dr. John Ankerberg’s series on God’s Help When You Suffer on their website

There’s a whole list of videos on their playlist archive, but I would suggest to go through the videos on this order.

***You may need to create an account to watch the video archive.

Program #1 – The Big Bad News

Notes (quoted directly from LightSource.Com): Most of us will face three stages of suffering in life—diagnosis, duration, and death. In this session with guests Joni Eareckson Tada and Dr. Michael Easley, we learn biblical and practical principles for how to faithfully respond when we first learn tragic news regarding our health, life’s problems, or the life of a loved one.

Program #2 – The Duration

Notes (quoted directly from LightSource.Com): After the initial shock of a diagnosis or bad news in our lives, there is the ongoing realization of its impact. In this session, called “The Duration,” Dr. Michael Easley and Joni Eareckson Tada share some of the ways they have dealt with the tedious and often-painful experiences associated with the daily grind of chronic pain and disability.

Program #3 – Approaching the End

Notes (quoted directly from LightSource.Com): In this program, we take a look at the inevitable end of suffering that follows the diagnosis and duration—the reality of death. We will also face it, yet we are often afraid to discuss the issue or prepare to end well. Joni Eareckson Tada and Dr. Michael Easley address the reality of facing death from both Scripture and their own personal experiences.

Program #4 – What about the Care-Giver?

Notes (quoted directly from LightSource.Com): One of the greatest challenges of serving as a caregiver is endurance. The lack of sleep, ongoing needs, and tedious aspects of daily life can often be endured for a season but take their toll over time. In this session, we’ll hear as the Tadas and Easleys share the highs and lows of caregiving and the ways God has used their experiences to change lives.


Psalm 107:2 (KJV)
2 Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, whom he hath redeemed from the hand of the enemy;



Psalm 107:2 (KJV)
2 Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, whom he hath redeemed from the hand of the enemy;



With Dr. Gary Chapman about Five Love Languages

I wish I had heard this before I got married. GREAT STUFF!!!

Listen to Podcast

Monday – Five Love Languages
Tuesday – Preparation for Marriage
Wednesday – The Grace of Anger
Thursday – Five Languages of Children 1
Friday – Five Languages of Children 2
Saturday – Five Signs of a Healthy Family

Russell O’Quinn is an internationally known test pilot and aircraft designer. After serving in the U.S. Air Force, he joined Douglas Aircraft Company in 1956 and became their far-eastern representative on a classified Reconnaissance Jet Bomber program based in Japan.

After leaving Douglas in 1965 Mr. O’Quinn established the first civilian flight test company in the U.S. He acquired the first civilian-owned fleet of jet fighters and converted them to high performance test beds to provide flight test programs for the nation’s aerospace industry and the Department of Defense. The news media referred to him as the “owner of the world’s 14th largest jet air force.”

In 1969, the U.S. State Department asked Mr. O’Quinn to develop and head the U.S. food airlift to Biafra during the Civil War in Nigeria. Utilizing four giant Boeing C-97 Stratofreighter aircraft on loan from the USAF, he and his crews flew more than 1,000 relief missions under combat conditions to the surrounded area during the one-year conflict.

In 1972, the State Department called on him again to perform a similar program in Bangladesh. He and his staff conducted a major airlift of food and relief supplies to the remote areas of Bangladesh that had been devastated by a civil war and a massive typhoon.

More recently, he has designed and developed a new concept tactical jet fighter. At present, he is demonstrating the prototype of this aircraft to the U.S. military.

Mr. O’Quinn has been featured in Life Magazine as one of the top test pilots in the United States. He has been a guest on the “Today Show” and many other network programs. A television special pertaining to his background and the jet fighter program, entitled “Skyfox”, is currently being aired nationally on the PBS network.

Russell and his wife, Mary Alice, reside in Southern California near Edwards Air Force Base.

Here is a personal testimony that has changed the lives of many people.

Parts of this interesting story of John Bishop’s life:

PART ONE———-John’s Story

PART TWO———-What I would do if I were you

PART THREE——–Depression

PART FOUR———Mrs. Johns Bishop

PART FIVE———Still Learning

You can obtain this heart moving DVD video for only $10 plus postage from:

God is so Good Ministries
99 Christian Ranch Road
Rose Bud, AR 72137

I believe the only way you and I can reach those people at Walmart, CVS, Publix, Doctor’s office or any other places we go is by giving them a Gospel tract or a soul-winning DVD like ours.

That Gospel tract or DVD will probably be the only contact that person will ever have with the Gospel. I am nearing 80 and only one person in those 80 years approached me with the Gospel. I have lived in our house for 18 years and not one person has knocked on our door from any church in those 18 years, and we live in the Bible Belt.

Where are the ambassadors, the reconcilers? 2 Cor. 5:18-19 tells us we have been given the ministry of reconciliation. 2 Cor. 5:20 says we are ambassadors for Christ.

The greatest business in all the world is sharing the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ to a lost, hell bound world. That world is around us wherever we go. That is our mission field. Someone said, “Every heart without Christ is a mission field, and every heart with Christ is (or should be) a missionary.” So much for the preaching.

Here is what I have that will assist you in being an effective ambassadors for Christ and putting you into the ministry of reconciliation.

The Story of Jesus for Children is a great eye catcher to every parent. In the menu you can select either English or Spanish. Every child in your Sunday School and church should be given this DVD.

How Does Your Future Look? has 5 English, 2 Spanish and 2 Sign Language Videos. All videos are made to win people to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.

This Might Be Your Future has 2 English, 1 Spanish and 1 Sign Language Videos. The two English Videos deal with the Great White Throng Judgment Seat of God and Hell Is For Real. These two videos have motivated me for many years to share my faith.

Ideas – How I Give Out DVDS is a how-to-do-it example lesson. I simply share with you some ideas that will help you get going with sharing the DVDS.

Now that you have viewed some or all of the above, let me tell you what you can do next: Click here.